Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Thriftin fun for everyone!!

So, its hot hot hot here in Minnesota. And do I mean hot. Super duper hot. So somehow Granny and I ended up at a produce auction, which I find dreadfully boring. Give me an estate auction anyday over vegetables and fruits. Anyway, we decided (well, I decided) to do some thrifting afterward.

First stop was one of my favorite local thrifts, where the prices the low and the junk is old. Get in the door, and I find a rare piece of Avocado green Anchor Hocking EAPC glass for 50 cents! Then I turn around and find a groovy old coffee mug for another 50 cents! Then I meander my way back to the ties, where I find three fun vintage ties (including an awesome one from the 40s) all for $1 each!!

Then we stopped at another thrift, where I scored a vintage Hawaiian shirt for $1.50!! Boo yah! It was a great day to be a thrifty picker. All my treasures are now on eBay.

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Great Formica Table Debacle

I love Formica tables. Old ones. From the 50's. I just love em to bits. I go to antique stores and drool over them, thinking how lovely and shiny they are. But I could never buy one, due to space and price. Every single table I looked at ran about $200 dollars. But, I still held out hope that I would find one a thrift shop or something.

Then one day I was with my cousin, who drives a little itsy bitsy red Dodge car. We were out junking, visisting our favorite thrifting haunts. I had wound my way through the housewares and over to the furniture when BOOM! There she was. A beautiful formica drop leaf table in yellow cracked ice with two matching chairs (although the chairs were rough). I ran over, expecting a huge price tag. But bless the lord, the price was $10. I immediately wanted to buy it. Only problem? Ah, you can't jam a formica table in a small Dodge car.

But, to aid me, my cousin dispatched her lovely husband to come and fetch me and my table. I was so thrilled to finally own one. Did I metion that all this occured at 5 PM in the evening?

We got the table home safe and sound. It is now one of my faves!



Sunday, January 8, 2012

Welcom to TheRetroScottie's Groovy Finds!

Hello every one out there in computer land, and welcome to my blog! I am an obsessively weird collector of odd objects, and I look forward to sharing my neat and odd finds with you. I buy lots of things that are interesting and unique, and do I have an odd affliction with 1950's "Retro" stuff. I look forward to sharing my stories with you!
